NSBCPA Meet the Members #1: Al-Nesha Jones-Holiday

Al-Nesha Jones-HolidayWhen did you know you wanted to become an accountant?

Accounting 101 was one of the required core courses when I switched my major from Computer Science to Business Management in my freshman year. Accounting balanced; there was always a right answer. I liked the certainty of it. Of course, it doesn't always work out like that in real life, but it was enough in textbook practice to get me hooked!

When did you know you wanted to become a CPA?

I knew I'd become a CPA in junior year when I had 11 job offers to work at different accounting firms. An accounting professor of mine told me, you'll rarely find an unemployed CPA. They're always in demand. She was right!

Do you have any family members who are also CPAs?


Where did you sit for the CPA exam?

I wish I could remember!

How many times did you take each part? FAR - ; REG - ; AUD - ; BEC?


In your own words, what are the advantages of being a Black CPA?

Being a CPA speaks volumes. It conveys that you were disciplined enough to attend college, and then study and pass the CPA exam. People know that you are required to take continuing education courses to stay on top of your craft. Being a Black CPA is the icing on the cake. It levels the playing field, and speaks volumes before I ever even enter a room!

What do you do now professionally?

I own an accounting & tax firm in NJ where I cater to individuals, small business and non-profits.

What advice do you have for anyone considering a career in accounting?

There are so many avenues when you pursue a career in accounting, even if you leave the accounting field! So many accountants are CEOs, because accountants understand how to assess the financial health of a business. It's one of the few areas where you don't have to stay in the field, but your experience will continue to carry weight.


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